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The Web SDK endpoint can be used to track events coming from Orbee's Web SDK. This over-the-wire protocol should generally not be used directly, and should instead be used by using Orbee's Web SDK.


The Web SDK endpoint provides the following path for you to use:

Path Variables Variable Info Description
/collect N/A N/A The default endpoint, simple empty response


The Web SDK endpoint supports a variety of variables that can be used to add depth and clarity to the events at hand.

Do note that the below protocol is used by the Web SDK and includes browser-specific variables.

Request Body

The request body can be used to fire multiple events in one request, as follows:

    "schema": "payload schema [internal use]",
    "data": [
        //event payloads here

Body Parameters

The table below shows all parameters that can be set in the endpoint's body as JSON:

Variable Value Required? Description Example
aid string yes the composite ID (tracker/script/account) the event is tied to oac-1-1-1
cd integer yes the color-depth of the browser 24
cookie flag yes whether cookies can be set 1
cs string yes the encoding of the document UTF-8
cx string no additional context tied to the event (structured) N/A
ds WxH yes the display resolution 1080x720
dtm timestamp yes the timestamp of the event generation 1552923784179
duid random yes the domain-based ID of the user 1/124986124/123487527615
e string yes the event pv
eid string yes a unique ID for the event 1/124437562/129846238745
f_ag flag yes whether Silverlight is enabled in the browser 1
f_dir flag yes whether Director is enabled in the browser 1
f_fla flag yes whether Flash is enabled in the browser 1
f_gears flag yes whether Gears is enabled in the browser 1
f_java flag yes whether Java is enabled in the browser 1
f_pdf flag yes whether PDF is enabled in the browser 1
f_qt flag yes whether QuickTime is enabled in the browser 1
f_realp flag yes whether Real Player is enabled in the browser 1
f_wma flag yes whether Windows Media Player is enabled in the browser 1
fp string yes the browser's fingerprint skhatgyhqq2hgsgb
lang string yes the language setting of the browser EN
p string yes the platform of the tracker Web SDK
pvt integer yes the page view type flag (PerformanceNavigation.type) 1
rdrc integer yes the count of redirects that led to the page 0
refr string yes the referrer URL to the pageview ""
res WxH yes the resolution reported by the browser 1080x720
se_ac string yes the action of the event view
se_ca string yes the vendor of the event Orbee
se_la string yes the object of the event page
se_pr string yes the event spec of the event see Event Specification
sid string yes the ID of the visit 1/1234376521/1927846176345
stm timestamp yes the timestamp of the event's network send 1553789095069
tv string yes the version of the tracker 1.5.4
tz string yes the timezone of the browser America/Los_Angeles
url string yes the URL of the pageview
vid integer yes the visit count for the visitor 54
vp WxH yes the viewport resolution 1080x720

Best Practices

Implications of using the Web SDK endpoint come with some rules to abide by. The list below covers most pain-points there are when using the endpoint.

Check IDs against the Platform

It can be easy to get your IDs wrong in the URL and body. Be sure to check the IDs against Orbee's to make sure they match. The aid and tid parameters need to match exactly to what's in Orbee's Marketing Platform.

Use the Web SDK

Seriously -- Orbee's Web SDK makes using this endpoint and tracking events on your website simple and easy to do. Learn more

How it works

The Web SDK endpoint is a robust tracking engine that works on tracking events in real-time.

1. Input Validation + Formatting

Given the body of the request, the information is collected and curated into an event format supported internally.

2. Tracking

Before the endpoint returns a response, it tracks the event by queueing up the event in our backend. This is done asynchronously while generating and returning the response.