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Namespaces API

Each snippet installed configures a set of SDK modules and plugins that live within a namespace. The namespace is an isolated environment for a SDK configuration to live in.

The namespace provides an API for plugins and modules to use. This API can also be called from the Bootloader for certain specific commands.

General Methods

Namespaces provide multiple methods for interfacing with the SDK:


name (): string

The name of the namespace. This is an easy way to check what namespace your code is in, if needed.


version (): string

The version of the namespace. This is effectively the version of the SDK modules that are loaded.



bootloader (): Scope

You can access the bootloader's full functionality through this method. Some methods that aren't public are available through the namespace's bootloader method.


This method returns the logger. This is extremely helpful because:

  • it plugs directly into the debugger
  • it keeps the logs out of the browser console
  • it enables log level management

Please use the logger whenever you want to print out logs when using the Web SDK.

require, provide

These methods are used in conjunction to request and provide different resources to the SDK. These can be plugins, templates, services, and more.

To require something, you need to provide the type of resource, and a set of parameters like name and config:

// Usage
namespace.require(type, parameters);
// Example
namespace.require('template', { name: 'popup', config: {}, ... });

To provide something, you need to provide the type of the resource, and a set of parameters llike name and constructor:

// Usage
namespace.provide(type, parameters);
// Example
namespace.provide('template', { name: 'popup', constructor: function() { ... }, ... });
Parameter Type Required Description
type string no The type of resources requested
parameters object no Additional parameters for the requested resource

plugins, pluginDetails

These methods provide you with the plugins the namespace has dealt with.

You can use the plugins method to get a list of instantiated plugins.


You can use the pluginDetails to get more information on all plugins, whether they just be provided, required, or some mismatch of more states. It's very useful for debugging.



This method gets you a list of instantiated services available in the namespace.


The Web SDK gets most of its core functionality through its modules. Each module is a set of calls that enhance some browser or website functionality. Modules are managed and loaded by namespaces and made available to all plugins and services.


The datastore module manages different datastores in the browser. Whether data is stored in cookies, local storage, or the back end, this plugin can manage its content and access.


The event module manages all events in the Web SDK, whether these are for the datalayer, pub/sub, or datastores. In order to fire events to Orbee, the event module is what you should use.


The lit module is simple -- it provides the Lit HTML library to the browser.


The network module manages the network usage on the browser. You can choose your throttle rates, network capabilities to use, and caching capabilities.


The site module manages anything site-related going on. Whether it's event listeners or site plugins, this module will keep track of the listeners and added content on the website.


The Web SDK also ships with a list of default plugins to bring additional functionality to the browser. These plugins bring product-based features to the browser like DNI, activity tracking, third-party integrations and more.

Site Plugins