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Click Tracking

Click tracking is a basic concept in Orbee Analytics. This plugin can track whenever a user clicks on an element in the browser.

Orbee provides additional technology to enhance click tracking. This includes things you can do to enhance tracking, as well as things Orbee can do as well.

Click tracking uses patterns to classify things that are clickable. This includes what "type" of click it might be (e.g. clicking on content vs clicking on a button) and what the click's "label" is (a human-identifiable label for the item clicked).


This plugin requires no additional installation to be used correctly.


Parental Site

This plugin has no public configuration available.


This plugin has no public methods.



This plugin generates the following events:

Action Spec Trigger
vendor: 'Orbee',
product: 'Site Tracker',
object: 'element',
element: {
text: 'inner Text',
path: '<css query>',
node: // node,
type: // see below,
src: // img src,
href: // href,
icon: // icon,
label: '<element label>',
triggered during mousedown or click events (see below)

This plugin keeps track of the type of click that happened in the type variable. This is determined in two ways:

  1. if it's a detected button (<a>, [onclick], <button>, jQuery listener, etc.), type is button
  2. otherwise, type is <content>


This plugin does not listen for any events.


This plugin does not depend on any other services or plugins.