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Form Tracking

The form tracking plugin enables events that track form changes and submits on the site. This service is self-serving -- there are no available methods, and doesn't have any additional functionality to provide to other plugins.

This plugin additionally fires events required for the backend to provide information about form coverage and usage by the user.


This plugin only tracks standard web form elements. If you are using solutions like Bootstrap that don't follow the standard web form implementation, then you'll have to provide custom tracking.

We are currently in the process of providing configuration and adapters to track other form implementations. Check back later for updates on these developments!


This plugin requires no additional installation to be used correctly.


This plugin requires no additional configuration.


This plugin has no public methods.



This plugin generates the following events:

Action Spec Trigger
object: "input",
vendor: "Orbee",
product: "Site Tracker",
label: " <label for input>",
input: {
label: "<label for input>",
value: // input value,
valid: // whether input is valid
Form input changed
object: "form",
vendor: "Orbee",
product: "Site Tracker",
label: "<form name>",
form: {
form: {
// fields as k: v
submit: {
text: "",
path: "<css query>",
node: "",
type: "button"
name: "<form name>",
valid: // if form is valid
Form is submitted


This plugin does not listen for any events.


This plugin does not depend on any other services or plugins.