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Google Tracking Reference

Orbee's click-tracking Collector endpoint supports tracking third-party platforms, including Google Ads. This reference covers how this is done, including what is tracked and how to set it up.


To set up Google Ads Tracking Template:

  1. Log in to Orbee's Platform and get your Google Ads Tracking Template
  2. Log in to Google Ads
  3. Click "Settings", then "Tracking"
  4. Paste Orbee's Google Ads Tracking Template in the "Tracking Template" field
  5. Save

How it works

Google Reference: Learn more

Google performs "parallel tracking" when an ad is clicked, using beacons in the browser. These events are matched with landing pages via the gclid parameter, which both the click-tracking endpoint and the Web SDK on the landing page collect.

Any parameters passed (learn more here) will be collected, enriched, and matched to Google Ads data in Orbee's back end. Do note that Orbee will need access to your Google Ads Account (either through OAuth or as a Manager Account) in order to use this feature.

How it improves attribution

Google does a good job keeping track of what ads are tagged as -- their Campaign, Ad Group, Keywords and more. By using Orbee's Tracking Template on the click-tracking endpoint, you provide 1:1 matching between each click that occurs and each visit that follows from the click on your website. You also get additional information, like the ad placement, ad parameters, and triggered keyword to better understand the intent of the shopper.

Parameter Reference

Below are a list of Tracking Template parameters and their counterparts in Google's ValueTrack parameters.

Tracking Template key ValueTrack parameter
oa_ctcid N/A - This is Orbee's tracker identifier
oa_fiid feeditemid
oa_tid targetid
oa_mt matchtype
oa_d device
oa_dm devicemodel
oa_gclid gclid
oa_c creative
oa_kw keyword
oa_plc placement
oa_ap adposition
oa_p1 param1
oa_p2 param2
oa_lims loc_interest_ms
oa_lpms loc_physical_ms
oa_cpnid campaignid
oa_agid adgroupid
oa_dest lpurl

Last update: 2023-04-13