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Core SDK Events

The SDK does fire some events internally that you can then use to trigger dropping tags.

Also, some triggers you can configure on the Orbee Platform can then generate core SDK events to fire.

Both of these situations are documented here.

Core Events

The SDK fires the following core events:

  • "[SDK] Init": When a token initializes in the SDK
  • "[SDK] History Changed": When page history is manipulated using the window.history object

The Init event puts the orb:t datalayer variable in your state, which references the timestamp at which the SDK initialized.

The History Changed event includes multiple datalayer variables it writes to:

  • "orb:historyChangeSource" is the event that triggered the history change -- e.g. pushState or replaceState
  • "orb:oldUrl" is the URL before the history change
  • "orb:newUrl" is the current URL after the history change
  • "orb:oldHistoryState" is the state stored with the history object before the change
  • "orb:newHistoryState" is the current state stored with the history object after the change

Trigger Events

Some triggers cause core events to be fired to the SDK, adding context to the datalayer.

Element Visibility

Element visibility is a special trigger supported by the SDK. It fires the event "[SDK] Element Visibility" to the datalayer when an element becomes visible and meets all other criteria of the trigger.

The Element Visibility event sets the following datalayer variables:

  • "orb:visibleRatio" is the visible ratio between 0 and 100 that triggered the event
  • "orb:visibleTime" is the time the element was visible before this event was triggered
  • "orb:visibleFirstTime" is the first timestamp the element was visible
  • "orb:visibleLastTime" is the last timestamp the element became visible
  • "orb:element" is a reference to the element itself that triggered this event
  • "orb:elementClasses" are the class names assigned to the elements className attribute
  • "orb:elementId" is the ID of the element that is visible
  • "orb:triggers" is the unique ID of the trigger that fired this event

Plugin Events

Plugins can additionally fire events and add state to the datalayer. If they are generative, they fire to their own namespace which you can join; otherwise, you can subscribe to specific events from plugins via their available commands.

Last update: 2023-04-19