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Beginning your set up

Welcome to Orbee! This article describes how o successfully set up and get familiar with Orbee basics.

Orbee is a rich middleware platform for the automotive industry that enables you to take control of your first-party data. If you haven't review What is Orbee? for a high-level overview.

Install the JS SDK

Without a data source, Orbee can't take advantage of all the first-party data that is available to you. The JS SDK is the easiest way to get started with sending data to Orbee.

You can check out how to install the SDK here. Once the SDK is installed, you should start seeing analytics, reports, and profiles start populating in the Platform.

What events are tracked

You can track your website activity using Orbee's JS SDK.

If you're just starting out, you should resist the urge to understand everything upfront. Consider starting your analysis based off of one or two important events, like form submits and traffic sources to give you some initial insights.

Here are some sample questions Orbee can answer automatically:

Questions Events
How many daily active shoppers do I get? Visit started event
What percentage of my users view new vehicles? Vehicle viewed event
What is the most popular CTA on my vehicle details page? Button clicked event
What is my conversion rate? Form submitted event

After successfully installing the JS SDK, all of these insights are available to you in the Platform.

Last update: 2023-04-13