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Debugging and testing

Many endpoints support additional query parameters that can help affect how the event is interpreted by the back end.


The oa_debug parameter can be set to true when you want to view a debug console or response for the request. This will usually detail the request parameters, the logs for the request handler, and the response or outcome of the request.

This is the most helpful when working with the Click Tracking endpoint, since the debug screen will show you everything without redirecting.


The Debug Console is currently only available for Click Tracking.


Let's say we're tracking a click on a link we've added in an email. In order to check out the debug page, we take the following link:

and we add &oa_debug=true to the end:

Now we can send a sample email to ourself, and click the link. You'll see the following debug page:


The oa_track parameter can be set to false when you want the event to be blocked or ignored for all reporting in the Platform. Any request marked with oa_debug=true will automatically have oa_track=false applied to them as well.

You can view all debug and non-tracked events in the "For Developers" section of the Platform for more details.


Let's say we're tracking a click on a link we've added in an email. In order to disable tracking (say to audit emails), we want to alter the following link:

and add &oa_track=false to the end:

Now we can still click the link for testing, without tracking the click as a proper click from a shopper.

Last update: 2023-04-13